Woo. I got a blog. Which doesn’t sound cool, but it is. But everybody’s doin’ it, so I should too. Not only that, I’ve been told I know my way around the English language (which I’ve been fakin for the past 26 or so years) and every once in a while I realize that maybe I do lead an interesting life.
Ha! An interesting life you say. For me it is just simply life, and it is what I do. On an everyday basis it seems rather mundane. Even the most exotic adventure, done three or four times a week is pretty mundane. Besides, most of our days start of with the question of what do we have for breakfast. Even in East Timor, that question is not very exciting. The answer, however, can be pretty exciting. But I have never had anything particularly interesting for breakfast. I do make my own granola now, which is pretty interesting. No, I do not hug trees but I would consider naming a child (preferably a daughter) moonbeam.
Now, I have a major milestone that I will hit this year. I will have completed my circle of the globe. A journey I started in 2006 (I have circled it Longitudinally speaking: Japan from the west and New Zealand from the east and so I crossed the same line of longitude but that’s not the right attitude). In 2006 I went to New Zealand and returned to the States through what is now known as Iraq. I went west from New Zealand, and now, I am poised to go west to New Zealand. I suppose that a few more “character building experiences” would really “put this in perspective” for me. But, until then, I’ll feel pretty good about myself and my globe trotting ways.
Hey Billy, cool BLOG. I will certainly be adding you to my Blogroll.
Keep dominating.
Wow! Awesome! Would you mind if I linked your blog on mine as well? You rock!
Really, Billy, everyone else is doing it, so you should to??? As a mother, I feel compelled to retort with, "and if everyone jumped off a bridge, would you do that, too?"
Great blog!
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